What is wax!?!

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The origins of wax

Contrary to popular belief, wax is not a typical African fabric. The wax is said to originate from Indonesia: at the end of the 19th century, English and Dutch settlers living in Indonesia observed the method of printing Javanese batiks (island of Java in Indonesia). They then decided to resume this process and print sometimes very colorful patterns on fabric, always using wax.

The Dutch felt the right vein and, together with the women, initially extended it to the coastal countries.

With the growing success of these loincloths, several West African countries set up wax factories in or near their own capital, to compete with Dutch wax.

In addition to the reference given to the wax according to its quality - sosso wax, superwax, uniwax or even cocaine wax (so nicknamed because of its high cost) - very often, the wax fabric has a name. This name, which is given to it by African dealers, refers to everyday life, modernization, marital relations or popular culture. So the wax carries a message.

Sources : http://lafolieduwax.blogspot.be http://www.teheran.ir/spip.php?article989 http://leblog.noireonaturel.com/non-classe/le-wax-tendance-et-afro-chic-decryptage.html

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